Case Label Colors – What Do They Mean?

Shooters in the United States have often noticed that the label on the Glock pistol case comes in different colors. Why? Well, with everything Glock, there’s a reason. Let’s dive into the meaning of the various colors.

It should be noted that the various colors discussed here really only started when Glock went to the clam-shell style cases. This occurred after the beginning of the Gen 3 pistol production. Early Gen 3 pistols still came in the old Tupperware style cases that were updated to fit pistols with finger grooves.

There are at least seven pistol case label colors used on Glocks seen in the U.S.:

  1. White: Low-capacity magazines (mags do not exceed 10 rounds). This was to comply with states with magazine capacity limitations. This includes (at one time or another):
    California, Colorado, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Vermont. White label pistols are often now referred to as “California compliant” pistols.
  2. Red: High capacity magazines (high capacity mags hold 10+ rounds)
  3. Blue: High-capacity magazines. The buyer must meet blue label requirements to be eligible (see Under the right circumstances, ANYBODY can buy them unless they are in a state with magazine capacity restrictions. Can also be govt/mil contract guns.
  4. Purple: Contract overrun guns. Can be sold to anyone, and are not required to meet MAP pricing. Could be just overseas/export contract overruns. When Glock is building pistols to fulfill a contract, they will manufacture about 2% more than the quantity needed.  This is so that if some of the pistols fail quality tests, there are still enough on hand to fill the contract. These don’t usually show the quantity or capacity of the magazines on the label in the normal middle-lower space. And they often don’t show the type of sights or trigger weight in the upper-middle space. It’s common for the SKU to not follow the typical convention that I have outlined in Product SKU Number Breakdown.
  5. Orange: Factory rebuilt guns. Can be sold to anyone, and are not required to meet MAP pricing
  6. Green: U.S. manufactured for export. These also don’t usually show the quantity or capacity of the magazines on the label in the normal middle-lower space.
  7. Yellow: Rebuilt (in two cases I’ve seen, Gen 4 MOS, and cutaway). I’ve heard that yellow labels are just faded orange labels, or just maybe a different supplier of labels for the rebuilt guns. That’s certainly plausible.

For Gen 3, white and red label come with 2 magazines, blue label come with 3.

For Gen 4 and later, all guns regardless of label color come with 3 magazines.

I’ve written before about how the SKU number in the upper right is broken down to signify the details of the pistol. See that info at Product SKU Number Breakdown.

Product SKU Number Breakdown

Here is a breakdown of the product/SKU numbers found in the upper right corner of the case label. These only appear on pistol cases seen in the U.S., regardless of where they were manufactured. Label formats are different outside the U.S. There are plenty of deviations from this list from Glock, which should be no big surprise. I’ve documented over 500 625 800 900 different SKUs just since Glock went to this format with the Gen 3 guns. Note that this is constantly evolving, and I see some new info pop up all of the time. If you have a label that has characters other than what is listed here, let me know. I’d love to see a case label and info so I can investigate. For more information on the different case label colors and what they mean, see Case Label Colors – What Do They Mean?

Note that it’s common to see SKUs listed that start with ‘GL’. That is a prefix that distributors like Lipseys add for internal use. The ‘GL’ is not part of the true Glock SKU number. Below each SKU is a UPC that correlates to the SKU. The UPC almost always starts with 764503 for true Glock SKUs.

In the sections below, I break down the various characters, using the example SKU of PI2350202T. The bold items are the most common ones.

Prefix 1 – PI2350202T

E = US manufactured for export (green label)
F = Federal agency – non-military (red label on the ones I’ve seen)
G = Rebuilds FET IN (orange label)
M = Military
P = AU manufactured
U = US manufactured for domestic/Canada

Known anomalies are:

  1. The U.S.-manufactured Gen 4 17T, with a SKU of PG1050202, which would indicate Austrian manufacture.
  2. The U.S.-manufactured Gen 5 G45 MOS 7 with Acro P2 optic, with a SKU of PA455S303MOS7A1, would indicate Austrian manufacture.

Prefix 2 – PI2350202T

2 = SF ES 1913 Rail Military
3 = SF 1913 Rail Military
4 = ES 1913 Rail Military
5 = 1913 Rail Military
7 = SF GR MB (ambi mag catch)
8 = P80 reissue
9 = SF 1913 MB (ambi mag catch & Picatinny rail)
A = Gen5
C = Cutaway
D = Practice
G = Gen4
H = 21SF RTF2, 30S
I = Fxd or Adj Sight / Gen 3
L = Reset
M = M Series
N = Night sights
R = Rebuilds FET OUT
T = RTF2
X = Crossover (used on the 19X and 43X)

Pistol Model – PI2350202T

These are just the numbers in the model of the pistol. A Glock 17 would be ’17’, as would a 17C, 17TB, 17R, 17P, 17T, 17L, etc. Known anomalies to this logic are:

10 = 19T
12 = 17R
14 = 17T in 7.8x21AC
15 = 17T
16 = 17L

Trigger Pull – PI2350202T

2 = 4.5+NY1
3 = 4.5lb
5 = 5.5lb
6 = NY1
7 = NY2
8 = 8lb

Pistol type – PI2350202T

0 = Standard
1 = Standard with lock
2 = Standard C with lock
5 = Unknown – seen on the green label Mariner pistols – possible maritime spring cups
7 = Green
8 = Green C
9 = Standard C
A = Threaded BBL
B = Flared Magwell/Practice
F = Flared Magwell
P = M Practice Series
R = M Reset
S = Serrations – seen on newer production Gen 5 pistols with front serrations
SL = Silver Line – used on the 43X and 48
T = M T-Series

Sight type – PI2350202T

0 = No sights
1 = Adjustable
2 = Fixed
A or 3 = AmeriGlo sights
B = Not positive, but all of the MOS8 guns with the Aimpoint COA have this. Likely to indicate the proprietary sites that come with that combo
4 = Steel Fixed
5 = TALO / Export Lumi.
6 = TNS
7 = GNS
8 = Non-Glock sights
K = Unknown. Seen on one version of the 19M MOS pistols
P = Practice pistol (unconfirmed) – only seen on a Gen 5 17P


G – unconfirmed – likely an indicator of suppressor sights – seen on Gen 5 guns with suppressor sights and threaded barrels

Options – PI2350202T

0 = Standard
1 = XSS
2 = XMC
3 = XSS, XMC
4 = Steel front only
6 = Screw on TNS
7 = Screw on TNS / XSS
A = (unknown – seen on a 19M with PM195F7A2)
B = (unknown – seen on the Gunsite commemorative G45 PA453S3B7MOS6H2)
M = Maritime Spring cups

Magazine – PI2350202T

0 = 3x 10rd mags / LE Domestic (blue label)
0 = Special mag Config Export
1 = 10rd or less commercial (white label)
2 = LE/GSSF (blue label)
3 = Hi-Cap / Commercial (red label) – although have seen some blue labels, namely some ‘M’ pistols
4 = Unique Special Order Export Cerakoted Order Domestic; Distributor exclusive
5 = FBI POW Program (although I’ve seen them with a 7 as well)
6 = Engraved/Special Serial #’s (Glock U.S.A.)
7 = Engraved/Special Serial #’s (Glock Austria) – examples include the 20th-anniversary pistols
8 = Unique Special Orders Domestic
9 = FBI / ATF special configuration
A = Orange follower w/TFP

Unique Identifiers – PI2350202T (I have seen a pistol that had multiple unique identifiers. The military MK27 MOD 1 has a ‘MOSU’ identifier), and some of the variations on the G45 include MOSTB, MOSTBDE, and MOSTBGF, among others. For those that indicate a color, that is based on the 8 factory colors that Glock makes frames in. See my post at Glock Factory Colors and Finishes vs. Aftermarket for more info.

2 = (not sure, but used on the G48)
3 = unknown – follows ‘EM’ on the green label Mariner pistols – possibly indicating 3 mags
A = Orange follower w/TFP
AB = AmeriGlo Bold
AC = AmeriGlo Co-witness
AM = Arabic Manual
B = 15rd 9mm Magazines (for pistols that normally include 17rd magazines)
BA = 9rd 9mmm Magazines
BC = (not sure – used on battle-worn & slide cuts model by Chattanooga)
BFG = Battle Field Green (frame only)
BS = unknown – seen on Gen 5 17R pistol UA175SP202BS
BT = Bold TALO
CS = G23 mag w/10 coil spring
CSN = Consecutive Serial #
D = Dark Earth (frame only)
DE = Dark Earth (frame only)
EM = Extended Magazines
ESB = Enhanced Signature Barrel
FGR = Finger Groove & Rail
FM = French Manual
FR = Front Rail (seen on the 43X and 48 with light rails)
FS = Front Serration
GF = Grey Frame (frame only)
GMB = Glock Marking Barrel
H = Holster
L = Nickel
M = Mag Pouch (also see this on some ‘C’ models)
MB = Mag /Bag Combo
MOS = Modular Optical Sight
MOS3 = Slide cut for Leupold DPP
MOS5 = Slide cut for Trijicon RMR
MOS6 = Slide cut for Holosun 509T
MOS6H2 = Slide cut for Holosun 509T and Holosun HE509T-RD X2 installed (seen on the Gunsite commemorative G45)
MOS7 = Slide cut for Aimpoint Acro P-2
MOS7A1 = Slide cut for Aimpoint Acro P-2 and Aimpoint Acro P-2 installed (seen on the PA455S303MOS7A1)
MOS8A3 – Slide cut for Aimpoint COA and optic installed – non-slimline
MOS8A4 = Slide cut for Aimpoint COA and optic installed – slimline
MOSC = Modular Optic Sight with factory-installed Shield RMSc optic
MS = Manual Safety
PM = 2+ & 1 Standard mag
PN = 1+ & 1 Standard mag
SL = Includes Glock branded Streamlight TLR-7AH in FDE (as seen on the UX1950203SL aka “19X SL”)
T = T Pack
TB = Threaded Barrel
TBF = Tactical Brown Frame
U = UID Frame – These have the UID code on the bottom of the trigger guard. They look like a QR code and are used by the government to track military pistols. Examples of pistols that have these are the Mk27 Mod 2, which is a Gen 4 G19 MOS made for SOCOM. Usually, on a MOS pistol expressed as “MOSU”
UTM = Ultimate Training Munitions
X = 4 mags in each case


C = Ported
ES = External Safety
FET = Federal Excise Tax
GNS = Glock Night Sight
GR = Glock Rail
MB = Ambi Mag Catch
NY = New York
POW = FBI Personally Owned Weapon
RTF = Rough Texture Frame 2
SF = Short Frame
TNS = Trijicon Night Sight
XMC = Extended Mag Catch
XSS = Extended Slide Stop Lever
XXX = Non-Glock firearms
1913 = Piccatiny Rail

UPDATE: By the way – I wrote a quick Excel calculator to break down an entered product SKU. Just enter your SKU in the colored field and hit ENTER. The spreadsheet does use macros, but only for the functionality of the buttons. Download it here.

NOTE: This spreadsheet doesn’t take into account some of the anomalies or recent changes listed above.

Different Style Labels Outside of America

For pistols made outside of the U.S. that are not destined for the States, Glock uses an entirely different label format and SKU. The SKU number appears to just be a 4 or 5-digit number.

The Wish List

Glock logoThis is a running list of things I’m actively looking for. This is a living post and will be updated as needed. Please get in touch with me if you have any of these items and are looking to part with them or know where I can obtain them. All firearms transactions MUST go through an FFL.

Note: Items that are strike-through are items I’ve purchased but have not yet received.


These are publicly released pistols that I’m actively looking for. Many are fairly hard to find. I prefer those pistols with the original case, including the matching case label, and all case contents (loader, brush, rod, lock, correct manual/packet, spent casing, etc.). But I’m willing to discuss any opportunity.

Gen 1

  1. Glock 17 Gen 1 chambered in 9×21 IMI
  2. Glock 17 Gen 1 chambered in 9×21 IMI with “CAT. 5180” roll mark on the slide

Gen 2

  1. Glock P9M Gen 2
  2. Glock 17 Gen 2 chambered in 9×21 IMI with “CAT. 5180” roll mark on the slide
  3. Glock 17L Gen 2 ported
  4. Glock 19 1989 Inaugural Model FOP (I have the 17)
  5. Glock 20C Gen 2
  6. Glock 20CC Gen 2 – must include the original case with a matching label
  7. Glock 21C Gen 2
  8. Glock 21CC Gen 2 – must include the original case with a matching label
  9. Glock 22CC Gen 2 – must include the original case with a matching label
  10. Glock 23CC Gen 2 – must include the original case with a matching label
  11. Glock 29 Gen 2
  12. Glock 30 Gen 2
  13. Glock 31 Gen 2
  14. Glock 31CC Gen 2 – must include the original case with a matching label
  15. Glock 32CC Gen 2 – must include the original case with a matching label
  16. Glock 34 Gen 2

Gen 2.5

  1. Glock 20CC Gen 2.5 – must include the original case with a matching label
  2. Glock 21C Gen 2.5

Gen 3

  1. Glock P9M Gen 3 used by Germany’s GSG9
  2. Glock 17 Gen 3 chambered in 9×21 IMI with “CAT. 5180” roll mark on the slide
  3. Glock 17 Gen 3 chambered in 9×21 IMI without “CAT. 5180” roll mark on the slide (just caliber)
  4. Glock 17AO – Australian Gen 3 G17 with threaded barrel, in Olive Drab (GLOCK17AO)
  5. Glock 19 Gen 3 chambered in 9×21 IMI
  6. Glock 26 Gen 3 chambered in 9×21 IMI
  7. Glock 29 Gen 3
  8. Glock 34SC (“Sport Competition”) Gen 3 chambered in 9×21 with “CAT 10861” roll mark on the slide – sold in Italy
  9. Glock 35C Gen 3 – even though there were only 2 of these made, and they’re both owned by a collector I know, I can always wish, right?
  10. Glock 17MB/19MB – Gen 3 ambidextrous mag release pistols from Europe. The 17MB is also available in OD.


  1. Glock 30 RTF2 FDE – yes, I know only 1 was made
  2. Glock 30SF RTF2 FDE – only one exists
  3. Glock 32 RTF2 (no gills)

Gen 4

  1. Glock 17 Gen 4 chambered in 9×21 IMI with “CAT. 5180” roll mark on the slide
  2. Glock 17C Gen 4 chambered in 9×21 IMI
  3. Glock 17 FTO Gen 4 chambered in 9×21 IMI (120mm-long threaded barrel)
  4. Glock 17 LCS Gen 4 chambered in 9×21 IMI (milled slide cuts)
  5. Glock 19 Gen 4 chambered in 9×21 IMI
  6. Glock 19 Gen 4 MOS chambered in 9×21 IMI
  7. Glock 19 FTO Gen 4 chambered in 9×21 IMI (threaded barrel)
  8. Glock 21C Gen 4 (European only)
  9. Glock 26 Gen 4 chambered in 9×21 IMI


  1. Glock 19X chambered in 9×21 IMI

Gen 5

  1. Glock 17 Gen 5 chambered in 9×21 IMI
  2. Glock 17 Gen 5 built for special forces, milled specifically for the Delta Point Pro optic (PA175A202MOS3)
  3. Glock 17 Gen 5 TB (factory threaded barrel and suppressor sights)
  4. Glock 17 Gen 5 TB MOS
  5. Glock 19 Gen 5 TB MOS
  6. Glock 19 Gen 5 chambered in 9×21 IMI
  7. Glock 22 Gen 5 with manual safety (Brazil only)
  8. Glock 26 Gen 5 chambered in 9×21 IMI
  9. Glock 26NZ Gen 5 – made for New Zealand with a longer barrel
  10. Glock 45 Gen 5 MOS in gray (PA455S203MOSGF) – I don’t think any have been built yet, but the SKU exists.
  11. Glock 45 Gen 5 MOS TB (apparently European only)
  12. Glock 45 Gen 5 TB in FDE (PA455S203TBDE) – I don’t think any have been built yet, but the SKU exists.
  13. Glock 45 Gen 5 TB in gray (PA455S203TBGF) – I don’t think any have been built yet, but the SKU exists.
  14. Glock 45 Gen 5 MOS6 with Holosun (PA455S202MOS6)

M pistols

  1. Glock 17M FDE – issued to FBI HRT
  2. Glock 17M OD – issued to FBI regional SWAT
  3. Glock 19M OD – issued to FBI Regional SWAT

Slimline pistols

  1. Glock 43 chambered in 9×21 IMI
  2. Glock 43X chambered in 9×21 IMI (black slide version)
  3. Glock 43X Rail (non-MOS version – Europe only)
  4. Glock 43X Rail chambered in 9×21 IMI
  5. Glock 48 chambered in 9×21 IMI
  6. Glock 48 Rail chambered in 9×21 IMI
  7. Glock 48 MOS with Shield RMSc (see GLOCK Perfection | G48 MOS with RMSc Shield)

Misc Pistols including imports

  1. Glock original P80 pistol
  2. Glock original P82 pistol
  3. Gen 4 BW P9A1 used by the Kampfschwimmers of the Bundeswehr (See this link)
  4. Gen 4 P9A1 pistol used by police forces
  5. Glock 44DK for Denmark with muzzle device (See this link)
  6. Glock 19 made for Canadians with an extended barrel and maple leaf on the slide (See this link)
  7. Glock 19 Tactical (‘Tactical’ written on the right side of the frame. I believe these were marketed for the Philippines) – 4.5lb connector
  8. Glock 17DK/19DK – Danish pistols with an extended barrel
  9. Glock 17S – G17 with manual safety used in Tanzania, New Zealand, Israel, Pakistan, South America, and Royal Thailand Police
  10. Glock 22S – G22 with manual safety
  11. Gen 2 Glock 19S – G19 with manual safety
  12. Glock 17 Pro – produced for Finland, with threaded barrel, maritime spring cups, extended slide stop lever, 4.5lb connector, night sights, +2 mag extensions, and redesigned mag release.
  13. Glock 23 Mariner – ‘Mariner’ marked slide, 4.5lb connector, maritime spring cups, + floor plates (I believe marketed solely for the Philippines) (See this link) This is not the recent release by Glock.
  14. Glock 25TB
  15. Glock 26 Mariner
  16. Glock 46 – rotating barrel in G19 size frame
  17. Mk26, Mod 0 – Gen 3 G26 (military configuration)
  18. Mk26, Mod 1 – Gen 4 G26 (military configuration)
  19. Mk27 Mod 0 – Gen 3 G19 w, night sights and UID code on trigger guard (PN1950702)

Special Purpose / Training / Cutaway Pistols

  1. Glock 17 Gen 5 Cutaway
  2. Glock 17T UTM Gen 4
  3. Glock 17T Gen 5 MOS UTM
  4. Glock 17T Gen 5 MOS FX/FOF
  5. Glock 17P Gen 4
  6. Glock 19T Gen 5 MOS UTM
  7. Glock 19T Gen 2
  8. Glock 19P Gen 3
  9. Glock 19P Gen 5 (full red)
  10. Glock 19R Gen 3
  11. Glock 19 Gen 5 Cutaway
  12. Glock 20 Gen 2 Cutaway
  13. Glock 23 Gen 2 Cutaway
  14. Glock 23P Gen 3
  15. Glock 26P
  16. Glock 45P Gen 5 (full red)
  17. Glock 47P (full red)
  18. Glock 45T MOS UTM

Commemorative Pistols

  1. Glock 19 & 26 “Defense Set” w/ presentation case or just the presentation case
  2. Glock 23 & 27 “Defense Set” w/ presentation case or just the presentation case
  3. Glock 17 “Homeland Defender” w/ GTL-10 light (although I can provide the GTL-10 if needed)
  4. Glock 23 Apache Instructor Pilot Model
  5. Glock 23 Gen 2 “Kiowa Warrior Commemorative” (only 26 made – with USAxxx serial) (See this link)
  6. Glock 19C Gen 3 Operation Enduring Freedom (“OEF-XV11 2011-2012” on the slide)(See this link)
  7. Any of the pistols from the ELP program. I already have four of them, but looking for more. See Hand Engraved And Gold Inlaid Factory Glocks for more info.
  8. Any of the USA 30th-anniversary pistols. I have #04 and #23 but looking for more. See A Year of Perfection. (See this link)
  9. Detroit PD marked Glock 23. I have a matching G22 and G27 and would like to complete the set.
  10. Glock 19 made for the Vatican (See this link)
  11. Glock 23 Gen 2 “50th Anniversary of Bell Helicopter”/ 100th Atlanta Olympics with display case (See this link)
  12. Glock 27 Gen 3 “Ducks Unlimited/Great Outdoors” (only 1 made)
  13. Glock 27 Gen 3 “40 years of Alaska Statehood 1959–1999” (only 100 made)
  14. Glock 17 Gen 3 “2 millionth Glock” (either the single Austria pistol or the single USA pistol) (See this link)
  15. Glock 17 Gen 4 “The Evolution Of A Revolution 1982-2012” 30th Anniversary Edition
  16. Glock 23 225th Anniversary US Marshal (See this link)

Miscellaneous Memorabilia and Other Items

Here are the various other items that I’m looking for.

Magazines and loaders

  1. P9M marked magazines (similar to G17 mags) with the floor plate that’s been drilled out
  2. Orange Glock 17 and 20 training mags. I have the orange training mags for the 19, 21, 22, and 23. So I’m open to orange training mags in other models not listed here.
  3. Glock mag loaders marked ‘4832‘. I need 6 of them. See this picture.

Glock Tactical Lights

  1. Glock Tactical Light GTL-11 (light w/ dimmer)
  2. Glock Tactical Light GTL-51 (IR light & IR laser)
  3. Glock Tactical Light GTL-52 (IR light & IR laser w/ dimmer)

Glock Knives

  1. Glock 78 ‘Perfection Desert Storm’ knife used in some of the Desert Storm display cases. See these photos. I’m not convinced this was a Glock-produced item. It might be a one-off custom job.
  2. Glock 78 gray with the current logo
  3. Glock 81 desert tan with circle logo
  4. Glock 81 from Malaysian military with VAT 69 Komando logo on blade and sheath
  5. Glock 81 with “Noricum” roll mark on the sheath
  6. Bayonet adapter for the Steyr Aug rifle that works with the Glock knives


  1. Glock warranty card, Form US 003 – 04/88, without any writing in the serial number boxes
  2. Glock-staked front sights in excellent condition. I need 4-6 of them. See this picture.
  3. Some of the original plastic thread protectors for the TB pistols. I bought a couple of used TB guns and they didn’t come with them.
  4. Glock disassembly tool (olive)
  5. Laser filters (all of them)
  6. Dummy barrels (all of them)

Printed Materials

Glock Autopistols magazine. I have 1995, 2012, and 2013 extras to trade/sell. I need the following issues:

  1. 1996
  2. 1997
  3. 1998
  4. 1999
  5. 2000
  6. 2002
  7. 2005
  8. 2006
  9. 2007
  10. 2008
  11. 2009
  12. 2011
  13. 2014
  14. 2015
  15. 2017
  16. 2018

Bullet In magazine – this was a magazine sent only to stocking dealers. I’ll take any issues.

Glock Armorer’s manuals. Not the aftermarket ones. I need the following ORIGINAL (although I’ll also gladly accept quality scanned PDF versions):

  1. 1985 – not sure this even exists
  2. 1986 – not sure this even exists
  3. 1987 – not sure this even exists
  4. 1990
  5. 1993
  6. 1994
  7. 1995
  8. 1996
  9. 1998
  10. 1999
  11. 2001
  12. 2003
  13. 2004
  14. 2005
  15. 2006
  16. 2007
  17. 2008
  18. 2010
  19. 2011

Glock Annual magazine. I have every issue, so I don’t need any. But I have extras of the following issues to trade/sell.

  1. 1995
  2. 1996
  3. 1997
  4. 1998
  5. 2001

Glock Report magazine. I need all issues before 2011 issue 1, with the exception of 2007 issue 2, which I have. I have extras of the following to trade/sell:

  1. 2012-2
  2. 2013-1
  3. 2013-2
  4. 2014-1
  5. 2014-2
  6. 2015-1
  7. 2015-2
  8. 2016-2
  9. 2017-1